Notice of Court Ordered Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by an Order of the Federal High Court (hereinafter referred to as the “Court”) dated this 23rd day of July 2021 made in the above matter, the Court has directed that a meeting of the holders of the issued and fully paid ordinary shares of UAC of Nigeria PLC (hereinafter referred to as “UAC” or the “Company”) be convened for the purpose of considering, and if thought fit, approving (with or without modification) a Scheme of Arrangement proposed to be entered into between UAC and the holders of its fully paid ordinary shares (the “Scheme”). The Scheme is explained in detail in the Explanatory Statement in the Scheme Document.

A copy of the said Scheme and a copy of the Explanatory Statement that each shareholder of the Company is required to be furnished with pursuant to Section 716 of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, No 3 of 2020 (as amended) (“CAMA”) can be found on pages 15 to 18 and pages 9 to 13 of the Scheme Document respectively.

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